
Has anyone tried this big green box of loose leaf bancha called "kawayanagi bancha"? I know bancha gets a bad rap around here but it's one of my more favorite teas I've had lately. I like the nori smell it has and a very low astringency.. I also like this tung ting oolong that I bought...finished the whole box in a couple weeks. I don't know if it was green but it seemed like a green oolong to me. Pete

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Kawayanagi is a second crop green tea similar to sencha, but a bit lighter. I've never tried that exact one, but have drank kawayanagi tea before and quite enjoyed it. I prefer Gyokuro over most green teas, but there is nothing wrong with the tea you mentioned. I love any green tea with a strong nori or fishy smell, once you've aquired the taste you're hooked, it is one of the only flavors of tea I ever crave.

- Dominic

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Dominic T.

Yes, I agree....I crave that smell and taste. The oolong had it as well.


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