History of red tea

I looked all over the Internet and can't find Orange Blossom tisane for sale from anybody. I know it becomes an orange but you'd think the Florida farmers would harvest before hard freezes. I'll check a couple of herbal stores locally. My local tea shoppe sells all tea infusions for the same price. Knowing this I usually walk out with a cup of the more expensive stuff like silver needles or kokeicha. Recently he's been selling a genmaicha with matcha making a psychedelic green concoction. Oh yes he now sells bubble tea. I don't know what I hate the most tapioca or bergamot.


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Space Cowboy
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Space Cowboy rose quietly and spake the following:

The tapioca. Most definitely the tapioca.

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Jim, what Metro library would that be may I ask? I just asked our local county referance librarian and they said that the only two copies they could find were the British Library and the Kanagawa University Library in Japan. After reading the table of contents on the page you linked to, it sounds very interesting...if I can access it relatively easily for free that is. Thanks.

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I made the mistake the other day of going into a place called the Green Tea house, in one of our local Asian areas, and asking for a cup of hot green tea. I knew something was wrong when they didn't want to know what kind of green tea I wanted. I got some sweet green concoction with little resemblance to tea. It was the "green tea" stuff they use for bubble tea heated in a microwave. They couldn't understand why I didn't want tapioca in it. The kids around here love the stuff, but I just don't get it.

Blues Thankful for this cup of Den's Teas Shincha

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Blues Lyne

Blues Lyne rose quietly and spake the following:

A bubble tea store opened not far from where we used to live. A friend of mine was all excited to tell me about this new tea store since she knew I liked tea. I never had the heart to tell her that I won't go near bubble tea.

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No need to use all those bucks - I am so lucky that I can borrow it from our local library. Thanks for the info.

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Gyorgy Sajo

Oops I just searched and couldn't find it. Sorry. I must have been thinking of "All About Tea" William Ukers 1935 or Tea and Coffee Trade Journal which are available. I didn't think there was any integrated system for searching all the public libraries in the US. What I've done in the past is start with something like

formatting link
and brute force each one. I just noticed Google is indexing some of the libraries but I don't think available as a WWW search only the respective library page. I used Google and found a library reference for The Tea Industry in Denmark if that helps. My library card is suppose to give me access to International libaries but said it was invalid when I tried to use it. It's been awhile.


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Space Cowboy

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