Very interesting article about screwcaps

Not that I go out often, and I don't order wine often either, but I have never had these experiences. One of the funny things is, sometimes we go to BYO places, and those guys know how to open wine right. Odd...


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Michael Pronay

So you too find 90 seconds of show more important than 90 minutes how the wine tastes ...

The problem is not obvious TCA, but the roughly 10 times higher figure of fruit scalping, premarure oxidation - in short: bottle variation.


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Michael Pronay

As stated in past I have not seen that much in terms of TCA-Wet Dog smell etc.

I have noticed more bottle variation in recent years from the same case. Again, can this be traced exclusively to TCA. I was told it was not necessarily TCA that is the cause but it could be TCA.

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Richard Neidich

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Paul Parker

Perhaps they should add less Sulfites in the screwcapped wine (if the issues is partly not enough O2 gettng in for the SO2 to sop up). Probably healthier w/o it, too.

In 1986, the FDA banned the use of Sulfites on fresh fruits and veggies, everything else with it had to be labeled accordingly

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Wine will have disolved O2 in it regardless of the type of closure.

I believe you will find that your favorite salad bar containes far more sulfites than you will get in wine. Please note also that the French use more sulfites in their wine than Americans. Perhaps you should tell the people in Bordeaux that they are producting "unhealthy wine" Please remember also that some sulfite is a natural byproduct of fermentation. The use of sulfite in wine production probably dates back a couple thousand years when sulphur was burned and used as a disinfectant. Perhaps they did not understand exactly what why they were doing this but the use of sulphur or burned sulphur goes back a LONG ways.

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Ok...I wasn't suggesting that not to be the case.

One reason I try to go for the fresh salad when and where I can.

I don't believe that's what I said. What I did mention is the FDA (Food & Drug Admin) position on sulfites in fresh fruits and veggies. I thought it interesting to mention this, as some people have issues with Sulfites (e.g. Allergies). However, there is debate about the long term impact of Sulfites in the body. It is not, however, "unhealthy" per se.

I think you misunderstood me. I am address the article's point about the different aging and resulting taste characterstics of some screw capped wines over traditional corked wines. The article mentions different O2 levels and the resulting taste issues with less O2 in the presence of standard SO2 levels.

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