GBBF & Beer Festivals 'The US Way'!

I went to the GBBF on Wednesday, and I was very impressed to find that they had 1/3 pint glasses. I usually buy beer by the half at a beer festival, but even then I find it difficult to try as many as I would like. The third pint glass encourages people to *sample* more different kinds of beer, not just drink more beer.

I don't think that 189ml is too big, and neither do the organisers of the Beerpassie Weekend in Antwerp, as their glasses were 200ml. For comparison, the Zythos Bierfestival have 150ml glasses, about the perfect size for beer with a strength of 9% or more. As beer at the GBBF is more likely to be around 4 to 5%, 1/3 glasses are ideal.

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Chris Slade
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Check your facts, it' not a larger venue. The floor space used at Earl's Court is not larger than the floor space that was available at Olympia. Only shaped differently, with many huge concrete columns getting in the way. The one thing that was really larger was the staff perimeter, but that's of rather little use to attract punters, isn't it ? The main difference for them is Earl's Court's a lot easier to get to using the underground.

As to "desperate to attract custom" : I really did not get this feeling from the organisers this year. Figures had gone up pretty steadily (plus

1,500 to 2,000 yearly, IIRC) at Olympia anyway. All minds were rather concentrated on getting the new setup to work (which it largely did).

Cheers !


Reply to
The Submarine Captain

And grateful thanks must go to all those volunteers who gave up their spare time so taht those of us who don't work there can attend and enjoy such a superb event.

Well done to all.

John B

Reply to
John B

In message , John B writes

I worked at GBBF, The line on the third pint glass was not white as in the other glasses & therefore not easy to see, if the writer of the publican article can suggest a better venue than Earls court at a reasonable price Then I am sure CAMRA would look at it.

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martyn dawe
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Steven Pampling
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Steven Pampling

Because the 12 you like will be different from the 12 I like and those will be different to the 12 that others will like?

Reply to
Steven Pampling

Actually the reason for the move was totally different, but I won't go into detail. Suffice to say it had nothing to do with size of venue or indeed access to more Tube services.

As you say the article is ill informed.

I have a better phrase, but there may be ladies present. :-)

Reply to
Steven Pampling

Me. Especially when raining and you are sinking in the grass. Naff.

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It has only been really wet and soggy the past couple of years. We have had some good weather in previous years.

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Andy Leighton

Being an American I used to attended many "shot of beer" festivals here. I don't bother any more. A 1 or 2 ounce sample does not tell me if I will like a beer over the long haule. At these festivals I found my self constantly on my feet going from line to line (or as you all would say que to que) drinking my beer from the previous line while waiting for my next "shot of beer". All the "shot of beer" festivals I attended (save one which I will explain in the next paragraph) this was the only choice you had. There was no option to order any other size measure (some festivals provided a six ounce glass with a line at 2 ounces which came in handy if you had a friend behind the bar filling it up to the brim 8>)).

In 1999 I attended the worst beer festival ever in my opinion. That was the Great American Beer Festival held in Denver, Colorado each Fall. The hall were it was held was way oversold. I was constantly standing on long lines for a shot of beer (except when I cashed in my special coupon for a full pint which was in a separate less crowded area, however each patron was entitled to only one full pint and could not purchase more). Having been to the GBBF for the first time in 1998 I saw first hand that your national festival was much superior to mine. In fact this was the next to last "shot of beer" festival I ever attended (the last one being the 2001 Chicago Real Ale Festival, which fortunately I knew someone at the bar and he kept pouring me full 6oz glasses instead of stopping at the 2oz line).

I was glad to hear from reading this thread that the GBBF was going to 1/3 pint glasses this year. This will allow for sampling of more ales than before with the half as the smallest measure. A 6-7 ounce sample to me is sufficient to getting a feel for a beer but not the "shot of beer" method used predominately here in the USA.

Cheers, Bruce CAMRA member from New Jersey

P.S. I forgot to mention that Denver is a great beer town. Many excellent brew pubs. I just wouldn't waste my time going there during the GABF when many hotels are fully booked. Better to go there at another time.

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It can't have been good in all the past previous years, though, can it! Outdoor festivals are not my cup of tea. Give me a good indoor one any day.

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True there has been rain in some of the previous years (high winds and lightning as well) but it hasn't been enough to result in the mud of the past two. The past two years suffered from heavy rain before and during the festival. Me, I like it because it is a 10 minute walk from my house.

Reply to
Andy Leighton

Hype? That was the largest part of the conversations of many of the P'boro stalwarts over the last few years. As I recall counting kiddies to make the numbers come close to the then figures of the national festival was one item.

It isn't actually a competition. As far as I'm aware the only P'boro bods that have also worked the Great British Beer Festival are on the Games & Collectibles and they are (quite rightly) more concerned with making the festival fun than bigger or better.

Do note that the Great British Beer Festival has had an outdoor instance...

... and the mud came off peoples clothes eventually.

BTW. Is anyone dipping to find how much beer is actually sold?

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Steven Pampling
Reply to
The Submarine Captain

The ladies were nipping round the other side of a hedge. The wife of a recuperating heart patient said the sight at the bottom of the garden (it was their hedge) wasn't doing him any good...

Before my time, I'm far too young (you do believe me of course)

Reply to
Steven Pampling

In message , Steven Pampling writes

Peterborough refuse to hire the CAMRA Cooling systems so I am told the Only day for good beer is the first day.

Reply to
martyn dawe

In article , martyn dawe writes

Why should they have to *hire* it? They are a part of CAMRA, after all.


Reply to
Roy Bailey

Peterborough is still really big and that's what puts me off going.

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