Aroma Flatus from Beer!


Just found this scientific article.... incredible what you can investigate....



Flatus emission patterns and fibre intake.

Eur J Surg Suppl. 1998;(582):115-8. Bolin TD, Stanton RA. Gastrointestinal Unit, Prince of Wales Hospital, Randwick, NSW, Australia.

Knowledge of the normal range of flatus emissions and their relationship to diet, particularly fibre, would be helpful in managing patients who complain of excessive flatus or abdominal distention. Sixty men and 60 women aged between 17 and 67 kept a three-day daily record, including one week-end day, of their flatus emissions, dietary fibre intake and beer consumption. Daily flatus emissions averaged 12.7 (range to 2-53) for men and 7.1 (range 1-32) for women. Fibre intake averaged 28+/-13 g for men and 24+/-3 g for women. Flatus emissions significantly correlated with dietary fibre intake (p

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They go by a simple count of emission incidents, and the still dare to call that science?! What about volume (in liters at STP), quality of aromatics, etc? (And how does that relate to beer?)

-- Joel Plutchak Boneyard Union of Zymurgical Zealots

"Resorting to personal harassment is a tactic of desperation."

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plutchak joel peter

I have only seen this summary.... I guess they have correlated the intake of beer with the "flatus incidences"....

Have a nice day


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