Raw Puer in the Twin Cities

Hi All, I stumbled upon some raw puer at the Shuang Hur supermarket in St. Paul on University. It's labeled as a Xia Guan first grade 100g tuo. I think it's the real deal, as it has the mark imprinted in the tea itself. Judging by the taste, I think it's quite young. For the puer experts: how do I ascertain the age of the tuo? There doesn't appear to be a number that would indicate the year. There are two different four digit numbers on the back of the box, the first is

9833.5 (suppose that's five), and below that is 9679. For those of you looking for this stuff in the TC, beware: Shuang Hur stocks both cooked and uncooked versions of this tuo. They are in mixed together, and I accidentally purchased a cooked one along with the uncooked, because the two packages are identical (as far as I can tell). Don't be afraid to open them up and take a peek. The folks there are very nice.

Regards, Nico

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Ah the thrill of the hunt and kill. Lot more fun than looking at two dimensional pictures on websites. What did the boxes and wrappers look like? Did you mean the bottom of the box? Was it Chinese characters interspersed with numerals? If so the last set of numerals which looks more like stamped ink than typeface will indicate the year and month. The Xiaguan Millenia tuocha box 2000 has something that looks like . I guess you paid much less than the websites charged for this year. The numbers you mentioned are also on mine. According to a recent post the G imprint was used on First(Jia) grade 1995 and later. Another grade called Special (Te) 2003 and later.


Nico wrote:

Reply to
Space Cowboy


GB9833.5 indicates the production quality control standard GB9679 indicates the 'safety' (cleanliness in the production line, etc) quality control standard

These are not indications of year, though they can be used as a gauge to determine the Period of production. The wrapper inside can tell you more. The logo on the wrapper The design layout on the wrapper The nos. printed on the wrapper These are the clues, again not to a specific date, but to narrow the period of production further


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ICAgICAgSEkgTmljbywgIGNvdWxkIGkgdHJhbnNsYXRlIHlvdXIgd29yZHMgZnJvbSBFbmdsaXNo IHRvIENoaW5lc2UKZm9sbG93ZWQgeW91ciBwb3N0PyAgVGhlcmUgYXJlIHRvbyBtYW55IENoaW5l c2UgcHUtZXJoIGV4cGVydHMgd2hvCmRvbid0IGtub3cKRW5nbGlzaCB3aWxsIHNlZSB5b3VyIHF1 ZXN0aW9ucywgYW5kIHRoZXkgd2lsbCB0b2xkIHlvdSB3aGF0LAp3aHksd2hlbixob3cuLi4uLi4K ICAgICAgT0ssbGV0J3MgZ28hCuKAlOKAlOKAlOKAlOKAlOKAlOKAlOKAlOKAlOKAlOKAlOKAlOKA lOKAlOKAlOKAlOKAlOKAlOKAlOKAlOKAlOKAlOKAlOKAlOKAlOKAlOKAlOKAlOKAlOKAlOKAlOKA lOKAlOKAlOKAlArlpKflrrblpb3vvIwKICAgIOaIkeWcqOWco+S/nee9l+W3nuWkp+WtpueahFNo dWFuZyBIdXIK6LaF57qn5biC5Zy66YeM5Lmw5LqG5LiA5Lqb55Sf5pmu44CC5LiK6Z2i55qE5qCH

562+5YaZ552AMTAwZ+ayseiMtuOAguaIkeiupOS4uu+8jOedgOaYr+ecn+WTge+8jOWboOS4uuiM tueahOmHjOmdouacieWGhemjnuOAguS7juWPo+aEn+adpeeci++8jOaIkeiupOS4uui/meaYr+aW sOiMtuOAggogICAg5pmu5rSx6Iy25LiT5a625Lus77yaCuaIkeaAjuagt+aJjeiDveehruWumuay seiMtueahOW5tOS7ve+8n+mHjOmdouWlveixoeayoeacieaVsOWtl+aYvuekuuebtOaOpeaYvuek uuW5tOS7veeahO+8nwrlj6rmnInkuKTnu4TkuI3lkIznmoTmlbDlrZflnKjnm5LlrZDnmoTog4zp naLvvJrnrKzkuIDkuKrmmK85ODMzLjUo5o6o5rWL5pivNSnvvIzkuIvpnaLnmoTlk6rkuKrmmK85 Njc544CCCiAgICDlvZPkvaDlnKjljIXoo4XkuIrlr7vmib7ov5nkupvmnZDmlpnnmoTml7blgJnv vIzor7fms6jmhI/vvJpTaHVhbmcKSHVyCueahOiXj+WTgeWMheaLrOWPkemFteWSjOacquWPkemF teS4pOenjeayseOAguS7luS7rOaYr+aUvuWcqOS4gOi1t+ijheeahO+8jOiAjOS4lOaIkeaEj+Wk lueahOS5sOS6huS4pOenjeOAguWboOS4uuS7luS7rOeahOWMheijheaYr+ebuOWQjOeahOOAgijm iJHmnIDlpJrlsLHog73or7Tov5nkuYjlpJrkuoYuKQoKCuWIq+aLheW/g++8jOS9oOWPr+S7peaJ k+W8gO+8iOWMheijhSnvvIzlubbkuJTpmo/kvr/nnIvnnIvvvIzpgqPkupso5ZWG5bqX55qEKeS8 meiuoemDveW+iOWPi+WWhOOAggo
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LS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tClRyYXNsYXRpbmcgdG8gQ2hpbmVzZToK LS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tCuacieeMjuadgOeahOWIuua/gOWZou+8 gQrmr5TnnIvlm77niYflkoznvZHnq5nmnInmhI/mgJ3lpJrkuobjgILnm5LlrZDlkozlsIHnmq7n nIvotbfmnaXlpoLkvZXvvJ8K5L2g5piv5oyH55uS5a2Q55qE5bqV6YOo5ZCX77yf5piv5LiN5piv

5Lit5paH5ZKM5Yeg5Liq5pWw5a2X5aS55p2C5Zyo5LiA6LW377yfCuWmguaenOacgOWQjueahOWH oOS4quaVsOWtl+eci+i1t+adpeabtOixoemSouWNsOeahO+8jOmCo+WwseaYr+W5tOS7veWSjOac iOS7veOAguS4i+WFs+ayseiMtjIwMDDnmoTnm5LlrZDnnIvotbfmnaXosaE9MDDvvIzmiJHnjJzk vaDnlKjkuobmr5TlnKjnvZHnq5nkuIrotK3kubDml7bmm7TlsJHnmoTpkrHlsLHkubDliLDkuobj gILkvaDmj5DliLDnmoTmlbDlrZflkozmiJHnorDliLDnmoTkuIDmoLfjgILmoLnmja7mnIDov5Hn moTmlofnq6DvvIxH5Y2w55So5ZyoMTk5NeW5tOS7peWQjueahOeUsue6p+ayseiMtu+8jOiAjOWF tuS7lueahEfljbDnlKjlnKgyMDAz5bm05ZCO55qE54m557qn5rKx6Iy244CCCg=
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LS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0twq0tLS0KVHJhc2xhdGluZyB0byBDaGluZXNl OgotLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS3CrS0tLQpOaWNvLAoKR0I5ODMzLjXku6Po oajkuobkuqflk4HnmoTotKjph4/moIflh4YKR0I5Njc55Luj6KGoIgrlronlhajmgKci77yI5Lqn

5ZOB57q/55qE5Y2r55Sf54q25Ya1562J562J77yJ6LSo6YeP5qCH5YeGCui/meS4jeaYr+W5tOS7 veeahOihqOekuuOAgumAmui/h+S7luS7rOWPr+S7peWGs+Wumui/meS4gOS7o+S6p+WTgeeahOag h+WHhgrph4zpnaLnmoTlsIHnmq7lj6/ku6XlkYror4nkvaDmm7TlpJrnmoTkuJzopb/vvJoKICAg IOWwgeearuS4iueahOagh+W/lwogICAg5bCB55qu55qE6K6+6K6h5qC35byPCiAgICDlsIHnmq7n moTnvJblj7cK6L+Z5Lqb5Lic6KW/6YO95Y+q5piv5LiA5Lqb57q/57Si77yM5YaN6K+05LiA5qyh 77ya6L+Z5LiN5piv54m55oyH5pel5pyf77yM5L2G5Y206L+b5LiA5q2l5oyH5ZCR5LqG6YKj5om5 5Lqn5ZOB55qE5om55qyh44CCCg=
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  1. Nico??: at the Shuang Hur supermarket in St. Paul on University. ??????, ???...
  2. Nico???TC, ??????...
  3. ?????????,???????????????????????(??????????.) ????, ??: ????????, ?????? (???????) ????????????????.

  1. ????????????, ??????, ????????????



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It all turned out gibberish!


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VGhpcyBpcyBteSBwcmV2aW91cyBwb3N0IGluIHRoZSB0aHJlYWQuICBUaGFua3MuICBJIGRvbid0 IHNlZSB3aHkgbW9yZQpDaGluZXNlIHdpbGwgc2VlIHRoaXMgcG9zdC4gIEkgZG9uJ3QgaGFuZyBv dXQgaW4gdGhlIENoaW5lc2UKbmV3c2dyb3Vwcy4gIEhlcmUgaXMgYSBwaHJhc2UgSSB3b3VsZCBs aWtlIHRyYW5zbGF0ZWQ6CgrXzM62tLy68bvYuMoKCkFjY29yZGluZyB0byBCYWJlbGZpc2ggaXQg bWVhbnM6CiJUaGUgdGFzdGUgbWVsbG93bHkgcmV0dXJucyB0byBHYW5zdSIKCkl0J3MgdGhlICJy ZXR1cm5zIHRvIEdhbnN1IiBJIGRvbid0IHVuZGVyc3RhbmQuICBZb3Ugc2VlIGl0IGFsbCB0aGUK dGltZSBpbiBqdXN0IGFib3V0IGFueSBQdWVyaCBkaXNjdXNzaW9uLiAgSSB0aGluayBsb29zZWx5 IHRyYW5zbGF0ZWQgaXQKbWVhbnMgJ2FmdGVydGFzdGUnLiAgSnVzdCBjdXJpb3VzLgoKVGhhbmtz LApKaW0KCmhhbnJ5IHdyb3RlOgo+IC0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLQo+ IFRyYXNsYXRpbmcgdG8gQ2hpbmVzZToKPiAtLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0t LS0KPiDT0MHUybG1xLTMvKTg3qOhCj4gsci/tM28xqy6zc341b7T0NLiy7y24MHLoaO60NfTus23

4sakv7TG8MC0yOe6zqO/Cj4gxOPKx9a4utDX07XEtdeyv8Lwo7/Kx7K7ysfW0M7Eus28uLj2yv3X 1rzQ1NPU2tK7xvCjvwo+IMjnufvX7rrztcS8uLj2yv3X1r+0xvDAtLj8z/O41tOhtcSjrMTHvs3K x8Tqt926zdTCt92ho8/Cudjj+7LoMjAwMLXEutDX07+0xvDAtM/zPTAwo6zO0rLCxOPTw8HLscjU 2s341b7Jz7m6wvLKsbj8ydm1xMeuvs3C8rW9wcuho8TjzOG1vbXEyv3X1rrNztLF9rW9tcTSu9H5 oaO4+b7d1+69/LXEzsTVwqOsR9Oh08PU2jE5OTXE6tLUuvO1xLzXvLbj+7Loo6y2+Mbky/u1xEfT odPD1NoyMDAzxOq687XEzNi8tuP7suihowo
Reply to
Space Cowboy

My guess you don't have multicharacter language support turned on in your newsreader. It is sometimes refered to as Unicode. If it isn't turned on then the two bytes that make up a Simplified or Traditional Chinese character gets truncated to one and gibberish.


samarkand wrote:

Reply to
Space Cowboy

sounds interesting. I think communication is most important. We Chinese discuss Pu-er with you American, Englishman, Canadian, or any other country. Do you like this? If so, i can build a website for you.

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I was waiting for the pitch. Now go on to the next group and load up a photo album of what they're discussing, do a few translations, and pitch it again. This group has enough invested commercial interest.


hanry wrote:

Reply to
Space Cowboy

If you are speaking of something that is not commercial I think it is a good endeavor. We have too little trustworthy information directly from China. It would be wonderful to have Chinese participation in trying to learn more about puer. Especialy when it comes to translation etc.

Howeve be aware that any commercial advertising would be greatly frowned upon here. This group is for learning, not selling.


formatting link

Reply to
Mike Petro

sounds interesting. I think communication is most important. We Chinese discuss Pu-er with you American, Englishman, Canadian, or any other country. Do you like this? If so, i can build a website for you.

By God, yes! I think a lot of us are yearning for a source of sound info on Chinese tea, especially pu-ehr from the source. I'm working on learning Chinese but that will take a while yet.


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DrinksForum website is not affiliated with any of the manufacturers or service providers discussed here. All logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners.