Roaring Meg of Mt. Difficulty wine

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Richard Neidich

In the southern hemisphere the aromnas are inverted, pinot noir smells of cat pee and sauvignon blanc smells of chicken poo.

These are sometimes blended for "Cuvee One and Two".


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Mike Tommasi

That certainly explains the fowl comments of Lord Hellier----

He likes to drink bike pedals...amazing.

So instead of the barnyard of Bordeaux its the kitty litter of NZ or the Chicken Coop. Interesting. :-)

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Richard Neidich

This is what comes out of having a weird sense of humour, and an imperfect memory.

This was a small excerpt from one of those humourous radio dialogues of the

40's - English I think?????

And try as I might Google, I cannot find any reference to the source.

Young man says to his girlfriend "You have lips like petals!"

(She) "Rose petals?"

(He) "No! Bicycle petals"

I thought that it might be Flanders and Swan - but it appears not - probably predating them.

Sorry for confusion - oh yes, Tommasi, I am sure that you will find that the Sauvignon I left with you might have hints of cats pee, but I know from experience that chicken shit reeks of ammonia - perhaps you have had more experience in wines containing this less-than-desirable quality than I.

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Dear antipodean friend, I was just quoting Voltaire... I must be lucky, I have never smelled "merde" in Burgundy. I guess I am not buying expensive enough bottles... ;-)

Hey, we are going to get some people in the know together one of these evenings and crack open the Mt Difficulty and the cat pee...



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Mike Tommasi

You really are the sensitive type....I did not realize that!!!!

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Richard Neidich

Flanders and Swan may not have contributed that ditty, milud, but did offer the world the inimitable ballad "Have some Madeira, m'dear" (thereby bringing this thread kicking and screaming back OT)

Mark Lipton

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Mark Lipton

I am lead to believe that brett has occasionally shown in Domaine Tempier's Bandols - or is someone talking "merde"?

Now remember, my motivation in bringing these wines was *not* as an advocate for the NZ industry - it was so that you could show your friends why the UK is now buying two million cases of NZ wines a year, which they formerly sourced from France.

And for goodness sake, keep pushing the Stelvin closure thing to your friends Mike - opened our second corked Ste Anne Bandol yesterday (it was a quiet birthday meal, celebrating my 5#th, at a very nice local restaurant, who begrudgingly consented to my bringing my own wine for the occasion - really pissed me off!!!)

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Lawrence Leichtman

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