"There are standards by which we can judge a wine, or musical score, or painting to be better than another, and these reflect discernible properties of those objects, though it may take practice and experience to recognize them."

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I got into an argument in days past with one of those "if you like it, it's good" folks. Quality is quality is quality and is objective; whether it be music, tea, wine, art, or whatever. As for "standards", those are a little hard to define but one definitely knows if they are drinking good wine or tea and if they don't know, with a little education, experience, and practice, they'll soon get it.

I suppose the first standard would be quality, though. Anything that's good quality is usually well above the rest of the pack. I don't have too many wine stories but some of the best tea I've had has been served to me in some small yurts or countryside houses here in China.

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