Lime Sulphur Solution or sulphur powder

I've been shopping around trying to find the best protection for my grapevines since disease (mostly powdery mildew) is very common in our area. I found Lime sulphur solution and sulphur powder. I tried to get as much info on each but unfortunately for me most of the people working in the local nurseries are 16-18 year old students that don't have a clue :o( So does anyone know the difference in these two products? One says not to use on Marechal Foch which is almost 50% of my grapevines. Help! Louise:o)

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Louise, the difference is one is used for prevention, the other can be a cure. If you don't already have mildew, plain sulfur is your best choice, you spray (or dust) at bud break and periodically after that. If, on the other hand, mildew is already established, sulfur won't work and you need lime sulfur or something else instead. I hope that clears things up.

- Mark W.

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Mark Willstatter

Hi....your best bet is go to....

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then to......
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apply to get on the growwine list......the advice you can get from fellow knowledgeable growers is excellent.....GO! it now.....andy j.

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Andy j.

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