
I know this is off topic however, a large number of you appear to have viruses. That notice from Microsoft you got in your email about a security patch was not from Microsoft. It was a virus...To kill it see the link.

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Also I saw this one:

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If you don't have anti-virus get it, if you have it keep it up to date. NEVER open anything you are not expecting!

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Brian & Mary Adams
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Or you could all just buy Macs and not have to worry about viruses!! ;)

Reply to
Greg Cook

Macintosh (and Linux) are just as vulnerable as are PC's (and Windoze).

Symantec started out selling an antivirus program for the Mac, before they bought Peter Norton's company, and started marketing the same program as "Norton Antivirus".

The first worm attack was against a Linux network.

PC's with Windoze just get hit more often, because they have so many more users. Virus writers target them, because they get "more bang for their buck".

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Then windows would become the new mac and be safe and secure since it would be a relatively small and obscure market :P

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Charles H

Oh, I dont' know about that. There was just an interesting article on this topic that indicates linux and unix (Mac OS X) would still be safer than windows. See the following . . .

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Greg Cook

All I can say is I have been using macs for more than 10 years. It has been at least 7 years since I have had a virus. Also, there is an interesting article on this topic which gives some insight as to why linux and mac os x would still be safer.

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Greg Cook

I think virus writers would step up to the challenge. I agree that both Mac and 'nix are more secure platforms, both due to the design but also that most users are more educated. I'd use 'em if I could, but work demands windows.

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Charles H

Anything would be safer than windoze, but 10,000 holes to exploit is no different from 10,000,000 in pragmatic terms. Anyone with a bit of talent, and a very mean disposition and warped sense of humor, can write a virus to disable any networked computer, regardless of the OS, AV, and other security precautions. The sad thing is that one of our Islamic "friends" may soon exploit this reality. There have been numerous recent "field tests".

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Well, I'm certainly not going to write one and send it to you to prove you wrong. :)

I read a recent article (the link was posted on one of the newsgroups), which discussed the vulnerabilities of Linux and Mac, and the fact that MIS managers of those installations were starting to worry, as some of their vulnerabilities have been recently exploited. Of course, I can't locate the article today. :(

Remember, "we" all assumed we were safe from terrorist attack until 9/11. Except for a few doomsday prophets, no one (including the DOD) believed such an attack possible. It was, and still is ridiculously easy to pull off.

Something else to consider. Who is really writing all these viruses? The penalty for getting caught (and the source _can_ be traced if the government wishes to invest the resources to do so) is substantial, and there is no (monetary) reward. So who (but a fool) would take such a chance for so little reward? It has been suggested that the only ones who profit from the proliferation of viruses are the anti-virus software companies --- who just coincidentally have labs where they developed new strains (purportedly to design methods of protection from them should someone malicious get the same idea). Makes you think....

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